Key Issues

Children at desks in school

Defending Education

We must do what is best for students and teachers in our state. We must keep them safe, as well as continue the programs that help kids eat for no cost. We must expand teacher benefits to combat a growing educator shortage. 

Teachers do so much, and it is egregious that they go underappreciated and ignored.

We must do the right thing for all students and all educators across the state.

Government today paper clippings

Putting an End to the Abuse of Power

Under Speaker Tim Moore, we have witnessed various attempts to expand the power of the Republican legislature, even through candidates running as something that they are not. We have seen scandals that should sink any self-respecting person.

We have been lied to, North Carolina! All of that needs to be brought to an end. 

We need a legislature that respects separation of powers and a legislature that responds to and reflects the people of this state. 


Drugs and Criminal Justice

We must continue the fight against fentanyl, which has harmed millions of people…and not just the folks who have been killed by the drug, but also their friends and families. 

We must reform our prisons to truly rehabilitate offenders, instead of merely punishing them. But we must make sure that violent offenders answer for their crimes. 

We must also pursue equity in sentencing. Selling marijuana is hardly the same as murder, and there is no reason a low-level marijuana offender should receive a harsher sentence than a violent criminal.